
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Huge digital negatives

I am going to share all the steps I have to go through to make a huge digital negative.
First, you have to scan in your negative. Then, you must adjust the levels and curves to your liking. After that is the fun off dust. I currently have my image allowed zoomed in 100% and it is 22x22 inch image. I think it is amazing how you can see all the little silver pieces it takes to make up this image.
This is what that looks like:

After I printed out the large negative I had to venture on over to the Printmaking Lab so I could make my Cyanotype.  First, I coated a 22x30 inch piece of Arches Platine Watercolor Paper with 30mL of chemicals (15mL of solution A & 15mL of solution B). **Note to self, use 20mL total next time because 30mL was too much for that piece of paper.  The solution started to puddle in certain spots because it couldn't soak in.

My piece of coated paper in the lab

Next I made some test strips to determine the correct exposure time for the final print.  I tested three different times: 10 minutes (way too light), 20 minutes (still not enough exposure), & 28 minutes (I needed a little bit more time to get the effect I am going for).  I printed the final print for 35 minutes.  I think I need to adjust the time to 40 minutes and then I should get what I am looking for.

UV Vacuum Box where I expose my prints

Cyanotype directly after it was finished being exposed to light.  I have to wash it for 20 minutes after exposure to remove all the excess chemicals. 

In the middle of me washing my print - you can see the yellow from the chemicals.  All yellow will be white after it all gets washed away.

Exposure: 35 minutes
Cyanotype on the drying rack.  I would be much happier with this print if it was darker so tomorrow I will make one with an exposure of 40 minutes  

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