Well, it's been a few years since I wrote on my blog.
I finally pulled out my external hard drive and found my old scanned in film from college. I also found the scanned in prints from my show…sadly I never scanned in all of the prints, but some is better than none.
With it being a new year, I want to start getting back into my photography. To start things off, I will start posting my older photos that are actually a scanned image from my actual roll of film. I apologize if there are some images with dust on them…I didn't have a chance to remove dust from ALL of my photos.
I want to start taking pictures again, even if it is just one a day….just have to find time. I also have to find a place here in Columbus that will develop my film, or a place where I can develop my own film and use their chemicals. Looks like I have some researching to do! If anyone has any ideas please let me know!
Here are a few images from two rolls of film that I took back in 2009. Enjoy and please let me know what you think of them in the comments.